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Stop Quark |  நிர்வாகstergötland District Administrative Board

Stop Quark | நிர்வாகstergötland District Administrative Board

Sweden is participating in the #Stop Quark campaign for the second year in a row. Its purpose is to draw attention, discuss, support and increase knowledge about infectious horse disease. This year, the campaign aims to diagnose the disease and stop further spread if diagnosed.

More information on the various activities that will take place from May 2 to 8 can be found on the campaign website:

Stop Quark 2022 Link to another website.

A good basis for diagnosing an infection is to know your own horse. It is good to know what the body temperature is for your own horse in general. Like humans, it can vary between different horses and can be used as a key indicator of changes in body temperature and general changes.

If you find an infection, it is important to reduce the risk of attacking other horses by isolating the infected horse from the healthy horse. A good preventative measure to prevent the spread of infection is to access a special place that is new to horses.

The campaign begins in the United Kingdom and is organized by the Swedish Veterinary Institute in Sweden in association with various equestrian organizations.

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