Title: heirScenario and direction: MaywinIn roles: Maïwenn, Fanny Ardant, Louis Garrel, Omar Marwan mflcan be viewed on: Curriculum Vitaerank: 4...
Movie: SwedenDirector: Manuel Conchathe actor: Cardo Razzazi, Agnes Lindstrom Polmgren, Susan Reuter, Johan Olufsson, Philip Berg, Anne Petrin M. Phil.rank:...
This is what Sveriges Radio correspondent in London, Staffan Sonning, said regarding P4 Uppland's review of funds coming from the...
Works: "Golanta"composer: Peter Tchaikovsky place: Royal Opera Fortunately, they brought five Russian soloists with them in the lead roles Fast,...
Sanna Nielsen returned as lead singer for the sixth consecutive year on SVT, which is traditionally broadcast from Skansen during...
Päivi Räsänen's participation in MTV3's Masked Singer continues to generate reactions. - As an audience, you apply for such a...
Movie: DuneBased on: The classic Dune novel by Frank HerbertDirector: Denis Villeneuve (Access, Blade Runner: 2049)the actor: Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca...
1948: Born on the island of Zanzibar off the coast of East Africa, it is now a self-governing island kingdom...
Volkswagen Financial Services UK has conducted a survey in the UK about what drivers think of self-driving cars. It showed...
Talk about destroying exclusive sports cars when customs lead by example. Seven cars worth nearly ten million crowns crashed under...