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The Pope opened the Holy Door in L’Aquila

The Pope opened the Holy Door in L’Aquila

After the Angelus prayer in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Colemaggio, in the center of the Italian city of L’Aquila, Pope Francis led the ritual at the opening of the basilica’s sacred gate as part of the “Celestial Indulgence” held annually on August 28-29.

Charlotte Smedes – Vatican

At the conclusion of the Sunday celebration in L’Aquila, Pope Francis led the rite of opening the Holy Door of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Colemaggio, thus ushering in the year 728 Perdonanza Celestiniana, A complete annual indulgence for pilgrims visiting the cathedral.

The Celestine Pardon is a historical event that takes place annually in L’Aquila between August 28 and 29.

The celebration was held by Pope Celestine V in 1294 with the issuance of the papal bull “Inter sanctorum solemnia”, also known as the Bolla del Perdono (Bull of Forgiveness), giving a general indulgence to all who confessed and received the Eucharist, visit the Basilica of Santa Maria de Colemaggio of Prayer Sunset on August 28 to those on August 29.

This event is a prelude to the Universal Jubilee of the Catholic Church established by Pope Boniface VIII in the year 1300.

As part of the ritual, Pope Francis tapped the Holy Gate three times with a stick made of olive wood, and the doors opened to allow everyone to pass through the gate.

Then Pope Francis prayed in front of the tomb of Pope Celestine V. Then the Pope returned to Rome after a busy morning:

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Before opening the Holy Door, Pope Francis prayed the following prayer:

“O Holy Father, God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, rich in mercy and great in love, who gives the Church this time of repentance and forgiveness so that you may attain the joy of inner renewal of the Church. The Holy Spirit and always go forward on your way, while the sign of salvation and redemption remains in the midst of the world, in response to our hopes.Open to us the doors of your mercy, that the doors of your heavenly abode may one day open to us where Jesus, your son, and first among men entered, so that we may all sing your praises forever.We ask you to grant to all who cross this threshold with renewed commitment and firm faith the salvation which He comes from you and leads us to you.”