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Satellite image reveals huge Russian gas waste

The Finns at the border saw that something was wrong: a large fire raging inside Russia.

Satellite images revealed the mystery.

Russia’s Gazprom burns liquefied natural gas for 100 million Swedish kronor per day while energy prices are rising in the European Union, reports the BBC.

Satellite images show infrared radiation from gas flaring at Russia’s Portovaga plant, which is located by the Baltic Sea about a mile from the Finnish border.

Since June, the Russian oil company has caught fire Gazprom Increasing 4.3 billion liters of LNG per day at the plant, causing emissions of 9,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per day, The British BBC reveals.

According to the German ambassador to the UK, Michael Berger, the flaring of the giant gas is due to the attempt of EU countries to reduce their dependence on Russian energy:

“The Russians have nowhere else to sell their natural gas, so they have to burn it,” he told the BBC.

A mile from the Finnish border at Russia’s Portofaga plant, 100 million Swedish kronor worth of liquid natural gas is burned every day.

Burning emits 9,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per day.

Expert: I’ve never seen anything like it

An expert on satellite data told the BBC that she had never seen images showing the release of large quantities of liquefied natural gas. Even from Finland, giant flames, which Ari Lin, among others, managed to document in July with his camera, can be seen at a distance of 38 kilometers from Russia’s Portovaya.

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The LNG facility is located near where the Nord Stream 1 . natural gas pipeline begins Russia And sends its contents to Germany. Since mid-July, deliveries through the pipeline, according to the Russians, have been interrupted by technical problems.

Germany does not believe this explanation, but claims that the goal is to increase energy prices in the European Union.

‘No clearer sign’

There is no clearer indication than that. Russia can lower energy prices tomorrow. This is natural gas that could have been exported via Nord Stream 1, says Cinder Knutson of analysis firm Rystad Energy to the BBC.

Russia is the country in the world that flares the most natural gas, according to the World Bank.

Mark Davis, chief executive of Capterio, told the BBC: “Energy companies are often reluctant to close plants because they fear it will be difficult to get them back up and running, and that may be the cause of this fire.”