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P 4 is responsible for educational support for Ukraine

P 4 is responsible for educational support for Ukraine

Since the beginning of July, the British Army has trained Ukrainian citizens in the UK to be able to defend Ukraine against Russian invasion. Training takes place at a number of British training facilities, where they receive basic military training.

When the Swedish Armed Forces recently received a request to contribute instructor expertise, a quick preparation was made that was the basis for the government’s August 4 decision.
The whole process was done quickly and with good accuracy. It is possible to have good relations with the British army. I was in Edinburgh myself last week and met many British colleagues. Of course this has been discussed, says Karl Engelbrechtson.

The Army Staff is now working on the concrete details of implementation with the Army unit, Skaraborg P 4 Regiment in Skövde, which has overall responsibility for the training mission. From there, a large portion of the trainers needed to carry out the training mission would come, supported by other Army units.

– All armies are built from the ground up according to the soldier, group and faction model. Then they became companies, battalions, brigades, divisions, divisions, and finally, armies. Each level requires specific skills. This training mission focuses on the soldier and squad level. In this case, specially qualified trainers are needed for this. Therefore, the instructor’s team will be a mixture of soldiers, group leaders, specialist officers and officers. It has proven successful in the EU mission’s efforts in the European Union, and certainly will be now, says Karl Engelbrechtson.

The government’s decision gives the armed forces the opportunity to send up to 120 people to Great Britain from August 12 to December 31. With so much out there and so long, it really isn’t likely to be the case.

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The army runs the first round of the mission’s crew of about 45 trainers, who conduct intensive five-week training. Already in a week or so, the first trainers will go to reconnaissance before the training mission, with the British. After that, the first teams of coaches should be in place at the end of September so they can begin training at the beginning of October, Army Chief Karl Engelbrechtson says.