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Oak: Think rich in crowns, clenched with his fists – a wonderful transformation

Oak: Think rich in crowns, clenched with his fists – a wonderful transformation

Loss to Denmark in the premiere stings. Zero against Belarus was embarrassing. After two World Cup matches that’s bizarre and shaky, Tre Kronor lost twice to some of the weakest expected opponents in the group. Only the UK is the worst.

She scored three goals in two matches – Tri Kronor hadn’t seen such a drought in the World Cup Finals since 1996. But now it’s history, too.

The meeting with Switzerland was a must-win game for Trey Kronor and it was noticed. Aside from Viktor Love’s clumsy expulsion after twelve seconds (!), Johan Garpenlov’s team made a high-profile effort.

This stupid dismissal at first was like a little extra ammonia in the gills and KHL goalkeeper Adam Redborn, who was nearly alone in gaining approval in a 1–0 loss against Belarus, quickly got into the fateful and interim World Cup events. The square in Riga.

Tre Kronor cleaned up Boxplay and then showed Jonathan Bodas just how hard Switzerland and marathonman Andres Ambühl (16 WC!) Could do to score points. Pudas plays with great sympathy and with all the emotion Frölunda striker Max Freiburg called before the match.

Tre Kronor played in attendance and just decided the World Cup was starting now! And this is how Sweden needs to keep playing in this tournament to reach the qualifiers. To access the medal matches.

In terms of the quality of other World Cup teams, Tre Kronor is a medal candidate, as are Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Russia and Slovakia from this group …

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The clear and convincing 7-0 victory over Switzerland was the result of all the players who fought for each other and perhaps also for Johan Garpenlov.

Producing such an achievement when it was most needed was truly a gentle message of strength.

Winning means Tre Kronor doesn’t count. She also provided important answers from the major players in the World Cup:

* Adam Riedborn, ex-Diorgard goalkeeper, was over 95% against Belarus and against Switzerland he was one of the best players, not only in Tre Kronor but on ice.

• Jesper Frödén, future NHL player (?), Gets his first two matches from the stands, but with Carl Klingberg injured and away from the rest of the World Cup finals, he got the chance. And as he took it. In a streak with extremely active Max Freiburg and Andreas Wingerley, Skelvetia’s shot came with 22 goals alone.

Frödén made his way to the World Cup, saved, checked in advance, striking with both a control and a truly insidious shot to 4-0, killing the match and ending a pale effort from self-confident goalkeeper Leonardo Ginoni.

• The NHL players had not had a fun start to the World Cup, but against Switzerland Adrian Kempe and Victor Olofsson scored in the cross. Just what they need. Of course also exactly what national captain Johan Garbinlov brought them home.

Adrien Quimby’s pairing with older brother Mario Kembe was a good idea, and she was seen in some changes earlier in the World Cup. Against Switzerland, they were on high alert and Kempi, the heart of Los Angeles, played a game in the game with California rival Timo Meyer from San Jose.

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A little amusing to see Kempes and Meier’s nibbling.

The back-to-back match against Switzerland was Tre Kronor’s best game so far. Magnus Nygren made a great match with and without the disc. He, Henrik Tomirens and Nils Lundqvist each scored, with the defenders contributing nearly half of the goals.

## During the match you could see the Swedish players smiling at the booth. However, the focus was there.

Less fun in context was that Lollia’s Nils Lundkvist was forced to step down a little over five minutes before the match ended. He got stuck between two Swiss in a tangled situation when he showed up in his own area and it just wasn’t fun on the issue. Somewhat similar to when Karl Klingberg was injured against Belarus, Lundkvist was knocked out.

## Nils Lundkvist may be 20, but he was Tre Kronor’s best defender in all three matches to date in WC. Quiet, wisdom, one goal and four assists in his first three World Cup matches.

I hope he escaped without any injury.

Then Tre Kronor can continue on this new path towards a more fun World Cup in the future if possible.