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Lund researchers win award for research on the role of genes in stroke

Lund researchers win award for research on the role of genes in stroke

This year, researcher Andrea Ilinka received a research award for her studies on the role of genetic factors in stroke in young adults.

The Research Prize is awarded each year by Sparbanken Skåne and the award is worth SEK 100,000.

Andrea IlinkasHe is a clinical neuroscientist at Lund University and has focused on the group of 55 and younger stroke sufferers with no known risk factors. In 40 percent of them, there is no explanation for the disease that arose. In her research, she based on the Lund Stroke Register.

By studying the genomes of victims and their relatives, we determine whether there are genetic causes that can explain stroke, Andrea Ilinca says in a press release from Lund University.

in a relative In southern Sweden, where several people have developed microvascular disease in the brain, Andreea Ilinca discovered that an unusual genetic variant is linked to brain vessel disease and early stroke. Consider how to detect genetic variants as It carries a higher risk of having a stroke that should be able to save lives in the future.

At some point in the future, we may discover people who have a high genetic risk of stroke before they are affected. Hopefully this will lead us to be able to treat these people preventively before they get sick. It starts with identifying the risks and gaining more knowledge about why young people suffer from stroke. Says.

The award will be given on October 28 during Stroke Week, which is arranged by the College of Medicine, Sparbanken Skåne and Region Skåne.

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