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The same applies to the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus again

The same applies to the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus again

The occurrence of so-called re-infection, in which the same person is affected by the COVID-19 virus twice, is becoming more common.

The main reason for this is that the longer the time since the first infection, the worse the immune system is at detecting and preventing new infections.

looking for The Yale School of Public Health in the United States has now calculated the duration of protection after natural infection with sars-cov-2 persists.

If we don’t have restrictions, no mouth guards or social distancing and no vaccines, we can expect the infection to return between three months and five years, which means the average person can expect to suffer from Covid-19 every three months. Every five years, Jeffrey Townsend, a professor at the Yale School of Public Health, tells The Guardian.

However, the median time in the current study, that is, when brochures were affected, was 16 months.

The starting point for the current study, which was published in the Lancet Microbe journal, was how we humans interact with other coronaviruses. In addition to sars-cov-2, which produces COVID-19, there are six other coronaviruses known to infect humans, four of which are considered common cold viruses. The other two types, Sars and Mers, do not currently occur.

However, the risk of getting an infection a second time is not determined solely by the virus itself. The amount of infection in the community is also important. No infection, no danger.

At the moment, the amount is contagious In Sweden it is relatively small, thanks to the fact that many of them are vaccinated, although there is a risk of the infection spreading again, especially in the younger age groups, which means there is a risk for the elderly to be affected well.

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– If you let it (the infection) run out in an age group, it will fail in all age groups. The main message is that if you haven’t been vaccinated, get vaccinated. If you have an infection, says Jeffrey Townsend, you should get vaccinated anyway, because it prolongs protection.

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