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Eden Olympic Gold Medal – beat Great Britain in the final

Eden Olympic Gold Medal – beat Great Britain in the final

Niklas Eden won the most, but of all the successes, he’s been missing an Olympic gold—so far. Eden’s team beat Great Britain in today’s final and managed to claim the Swedish gold after a tie-breaker.

– It feels like it’s been an incredibly long ride and pretty heavy losses in the two previous (leagues). We know there are small margins, but having small profits sounds incredibly cool and is a real relief, says Niklas Eden at Discovery+ after the finale.

great swedish game

– But it’s also a lot more fun than I thought I’d feel. After the semi-finals, there was only relief, but now there is an incredible amount of joy and emotions too, he continues.

Eden’s team played admirably and managed to take the lead early in the final. In the third round, the Swedes stole a point and advanced 3-1. Sweden then continued to play under control but missed twice in the seventh round, and the British team, who participated in the match more and more, drew 3-3.

Before the 10th round, Sweden was 4-3 ahead and the Britons had the advantage of the last stone. Rasmus and Rano, who played well throughout the final, were the same safety and gave Sweden a good position early on. The British were able to challenge with a hidden stone, but Niklas Eden was able to keep him away by hitting one of his own.

“We won, right?”

The round ended with the last British stone being safely placed in the middle of the nest and at 4-4 the match went to the tiebreak, with the Swedes instead taking advantage of the last stone.

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Near the end of the judging round, Sweden had a point in the nest. Using the penultimate Swedish stone, Niklas Eden manages to hide it somewhat, even if the stone is a bit short. But it was enough that the British did not succeed in removing the scoring stone and then it was clear – Sweden won 5-4.

– Both semi-finals and finals played well and tough matches. We fought to the end and it came down to millimeters in several situations in both games. It’s a totally crazy feeling. I had to ask “We won, right?” , so the matches were very tight and a lot of emotion there, says Eden.