heresy – 25 October 2022
News notices from the Culture and Education Council meeting with a selection of policy decisions.
This year’s cultural award winners and cultural grant holders have been appointed
Each year, the Dalarna region awards a cultural prize of SEK 100,000. The award goes to a person or organization active in Dalarna in literature, art, music or another cultural field.
At today’s meeting, it was decided to award this year’s cultural award to Linda Carlson, Miss Lee. Miss Lee, born in Borlange, is a singer, lyricist, pianist and composer.
The meeting also identified the winners of four cultural grants for this year. Two scholarships of SEK 50,000 each are awarded to professional artists, which this year went to Idris Gavu, musician, Borlange, and Matthias Helge, blacksmith, Lima in Västerdalarna. Unrecognized artists are awarded a scholarship of 25,000 SEK each. This year those go to Hannah Coopman, textile artist, Ursa, and Ebba Erickson, clarinetist, Fallon. Cultural grants are awarded to artists who live or work in Dalarna, or who have some other form of connection to the province.
Folkteatern in Dalarna receives support from Dalarna region
The Culture and Education Committee has decided that the Dalarna Folk Theater will receive a financial support of SEK 150,000 in 2022.
– Folk theater maintains high quality in its performance and fulfills the guidelines set by the Culture and Education Committee regarding children and youth, expanding participation and awareness activities, says Mersal Issa (MP), Chairman of the Culture and Education Committee.
There is a clear need for long-term financial support for free professional groups in the theater district, so that the art form can evolve and contribute to achieving the goals of the Dalarna Regional Culture and Education Plan, especially with regard to broader participation in the entire district and children and youth. Therefore, the Department of Culture and Education has been tasked with submitting proposals to design long-term support for the free performing arts in Dalarna. The proposal will be submitted to the Culture and Education Committee for further decisions in December 2022.
Do you want to know more?
Here are the documents of the Culture and Education Committee
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