As publishers and editors of news media from around the world, we have united in support of Jimmy Lai, founder and editor-in-chief of Apple Daily, in his fight for press freedom and a diverse media landscape in Hong Kong. .
Jimmy Lai lived by these values throughout his life and founded Apple Daily to ensure Hong Kong residents had access to vital information. With extraordinary courage, he remained in Hong Kong and continued to publish as much as he could, despite the fierce attacks around him.
Now it’s our turn to stand up for Jimmy Lai, and keeping him in custody will tarnish the reputation of the authorities in China and Hong Kong respectively. The extrajudicial charges against him are clear violations of the law not only in Hong Kong, but internationally and in China.
The 75-year-old press freedom fighter was targeted as the Chinese regime tried to control the flow of information beyond the country’s borders, a global concern. When freedom of the press is threatened in one place, it is threatened everywhere.
Together with Reporters Without Borders (RSF) we support Jimmy Loy. We believe he was attacked for publishing an independent press and we condemn all charges against him. We demand his immediate release, the dropping of national security charges and the quashing of convictions on other charges.
We note that the case against Jimmy Lai is part of a larger multi-pronged attack on press freedom in Hong Kong. We are deeply concerned about the rapid erosion of press freedom in Hong Kong, which is evident in RSF’s Press Freedom Index.
We demand the release of all 13 journalists currently in prison in Hong Kong and the dropping of all charges against 28 journalists for violating national security and other laws over the past three years.
We also demand immediate action to allow forced media such as Apple Daily and Stand News to reopen. Press freedom in Hong Kong has been severely affected by the closure of these media outlets. The general right to freedom of the press must be protected for the people of Hong Kong and for the people of the world.
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