Two researchers from Norway and Great Britain try to answer this question in a scientific article published in Financial planning review.
In the study, the researchers analyzed data already collected from a total of 3,240 Britons.
Part of the datasets contains information about the participants’ financial resources and their demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, and educational level.
It found that 10.8 percent of respondents earned more than £75,000 a year, while 23.7 percent had a household income of less than £20,000 a year.
Special moves were frequent
In the second part of the data set, the participants were asked to answer a personality test based on the so-called five factor model.
The Five Factor Model is a widely recognized psychological model, which is based on five overarching dimensions of personality, called the “Big Five”.
The researchers’ analysis showed – unsurprisingly – that the group of affluent participants was characterized primarily by two common demographics, high age and income, but that the affluent respondents also shared several other personality traits.
Another consistent trait among the rich is that they were very obedient.
However, at the other end of the scale, researchers can see that the chance of creating wealth decreases if you have a neurotic disposition.
When it comes to the remaining three personality traits, the picture is much less clear.
For example, extroverts generally had modest savings capital, while also owning many potentially valuable items, perhaps because they are more likely to make impulse purchases than others, the researchers say.
According to the researchers, it is not surprising that conscientiousness is the most frequent personality trait of the wealthiest citizens of society.
Previous studies have also linked the pronoun to “Almost all positive work results‘, the researchers note.
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