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The Pope on Priestly Training as the Essence of the Annunciation

The Pope on Priestly Training as the Essence of the Annunciation

On Thursday, Pope Francis met with deans and teachers at Latin American colleges in Rome and spoke about the need for high-quality education for future priests.

Charlotte Smedes – Vatican

On Thursday, Pope Francis spoke to the deans and teachers of Latin American schools in Rome during a private meeting with them. He stressed that “all priestly formation, especially the formation of future priests, is the essence of the Annunciation.”

The teachers participate in a course in Rome organized by the Clergy Department.

Pope Francis has stressed the importance of continuity with the formation guidelines laid down by his predecessors, highlighting “one of the great contributions” of the current programme, which focuses on upbringing as “unique, integral, community and missionary”. “

student community

The Pope thought especially of the communal aspect of priestly formation, which required a sufficient number of teachers and seminarians to form a true congregation. This, he said, would require a greater commitment to strengthening “diocesan seminaries with regional or regional seminaries”.

He said that the priestly formation is tasked with recognizing and integrating human weakness and divine grace, and leading the clergy on a united faith path with full maturity, to follow in the footsteps of the incarnate Son of God.

Christian role model

Pope Francis has continued to emphasize the important role teachers play – they teach “more by their example in their lives than by their words”. This required human maturity, he said; He reminded teachers that they must constantly renew their lives. imitation of Christ.

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As an indication of spiritual and human maturity, the Pope referred to the “ability to listen and the art of dialogue” that arises from the dialogue of prayer with God. He reminded the teachers again that their lives were “the essential factor in making their service to seminarians and other priests effective.”

Deans Service

Finally, Pope Francis spoke of the role of deans in seminaries, who were called specifically to look after the teaching group.

The principal, he said, should “demonstrate a constant interest in each teacher, and maintain an open and honest dialogue about their mission,” while helping them overcome difficulties in their sometimes difficult service.

In conclusion, Pope Francis expressed the gratitude of the whole Church to deans and teachers, “for dedicating their lives to future priests who will be your brothers in the priesthood and who, united and under the supervision of the bishop, will cast the gospel web as true hunters of men.”