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The intelligence service is examining the protest movement against the restrictions

The intelligence service is examining the protest movement against the restrictions

The live broadcast of the protest where the reporter was pelted with stones should be stopped. In a video He heard the protesters chanting “Lügenpresse” – the false press – to the reporters. According to several German media, around 10,000 people are in Stuttgart to protest against the Corona restrictions, on Saturday, April 3.

Here, in Stuttgart, the so-called Querdenker movement was established at the start of the Corona pandemic. The group aims to lift Corona’s restrictions, as they believe it violates basic human rights. During the pandemic, the movement called for demonstrations that on several occasions gathered tens of thousands of people.

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The Querdenker movement speaks for itself Stand for peace, freedom and democracy. But the German intelligence service is making a different assessment. During the many demonstrations that the movement has participated in organizing, police and journalists have been subjected to verbal and physical abuse. Protesters have spread conspiracy theories that the government is trying to turn the country into a dictatorship, that children should be forcibly vaccinated, and that Covid-19 is no more dangerous than the common flu.

Now the BFV has announced that some people and groups within the Querdenker movement will be examined, as they are suspected of posing a threat to democracy. Thus, the intelligence service has the right to save personal data and, in some cases, also to intercept protesters. German Tagschaw News Program Reports indicate that the BFV will focus on people spreading conspiracy theories that risk harming people’s confidence in a free democratic society.

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Read more: A protest wave against Germany’s coronavirus restrictions – politicians want to investigate the movement