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Spanish drought ‘Stonehenge’ revealed

The Spanish “Stonehenge”, Dolmen de Guadalperal outside Madrid, which was exposed after a severe drought in the country.

Spanish Stonehenge has only been seen four times since its discovery.

due to severe dehydration.

in Spain It’s the worst drought in decades. One side effect is the presence of a prehistoric stone circle with monoliths in the Valdecanias Dam to the west Madrid open. Here, the water level has fallen by about a third, 28 percent.

– It’s a surprise, it’s a rare opportunity to get there, archaeologist Enrique Cedillo told Reuters news agency.

He is one of the experts who took the opportunity to study the monoliths before they disappeared under the surface of the water again. The stone circle, whose Spanish name is Dolmen de Guadalperal, is believed to date back to 5000 BC. It was first discovered in 1926 by German archaeologist Hugo Obermayr.

The area was flooded in 1963.

It was not clear who triggered the naps found in several places in Western Europe. Reuters wrote that finding human remains near several of them led to the theory that they were graves.

Dolmen de Guadalperal was last seen in the summer of 2019.

Stonehenge in Salisbury in Great Britain.
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