Hpv vaccine Within five years, the goal is to eliminate cervical cancer in Sweden. In Värmland, Sandra Brunzel and her...
picture: Title: Joanna Furoglum. Photo: N.A Two other projects that have also been awarded money in the Mission's cancer area...
A group photo of everyone meeting to take a picture. Top row: Karl Arheden, Olle Rådfeldt, Jacob Wredenberg Ljunggren, Kristoffer...
A new programmable RNA-guided system, based on a protein called Fanzor, has been discovered in eukaryotes. Bacteria use "scissors" called...
Annika Strandl, Lecturer at the University of Gothenburg and Chief Physician of the Women's Health Service at Sahlgrenska University Hospital...
- It was very difficult to reach us by phone, unfortunately, says Johann Raab, Operations Director of the Capio Hallsberg...
picture: Title: Professor Christine Prismar. Photo by Anna Bjorklund. ´ As a diabetes mellitus physician, it was only natural that...
Passengers on Finnish ferries are notified after they have contracted measles – Public Health Agency
A person with measles was on a ferry leaving Turku for Stockholm at 08.45 on Sunday 6 August. His fellow...
Over the past winter, shortages of important antibiotics caused major problems in Sweden and other European Union countries. A wave...
Senior physicians Marie Ramlund and Stefan Thorne were named the best supervisors in Kristianstad/Hasselholm.The justifications of Marie Ramlund and Stefan...