Every year, approximately 400 Swedes develop the deadly neurodegenerative disease (ALS), a clear increase compared to previous estimates. “Ours are...
Przemysław Sozanski and Lesin Egnell. Photo: Moa Weiboom and Ellen HoffAt the Annual Meeting of the Northwestern Skane Medical Society,...
Flat feet generally mean that you have a low arch and a sunken arch. It is very common for people...
More and more people are living longer, and more diseases are at risk of becoming chronic. Surveys conducted in Kalmar...
Myriam becoming a doctor was not a given. Tired of school after middle school, she dropped out of high school...
Walter Albin is a licensed psychologist with administrative responsibilities and works at Vårdcentralen Kävlinge. He is also currently studying specialized...
picture: Title: Professor Yvonne Wingström. Photo: Ulf Seerborn Treatments against cancer often have severe side effects. Yvonne Wingstrom researches how...
In the setting of 24-hour forensic psychiatric care, staff spend a lot of time with their patients, and there is...
picture: Title: Mo Ne, Institute of Environmental Medicine Mo Ne, what is the topic of the thesis and can you...
Do you have hips that are messing with you? Maybe osteoporosis and pain? Try these exercises that strengthen the muscles...