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More delta mutated cases in Uppsala

More delta mutated cases in Uppsala

In early August, the Uppsala region detected the E484Q virus mutation in the delta variant. Then there were a total of eight cases in the region, and a total of about 450 cases registered in the world.

Now two more cases of unusual delta and E484Q have been detected in Uppsala. A total of ten cases were recorded in the region and Sweden as a whole.

– We have 15 more test results awaiting sequencing, says Mats Martinel, the medical department in charge of the Uppsala Sampling Unit.

Just a few studies It was made using an unusual blend of Delta and E484Q, which was first discovered in India earlier this year. mix Under the supervision of the European Union Infection Control Unit ECDC. There is currently no indication that it would be more dangerous than the original delta variant. It is still not clear how contagious this combination is.

When the mutation was previously discovered in other viral variants, it has been shown to cause more vaccine breakthroughs than usual.

– It’s still too early to say how the boom will behave in this variant, says Mats Martinel.

At first, it was located Two transport chains in Uppsala, both of which are connected to travel abroad. Neither Spain nor Portugal, where infected persons were said, have recorded any cases of mixed delta and E484Q in the global database GISAID, Martinelle.

Subsequently, four more chains of infection were found in Uppsala. Among these, there is no connection to travel abroad.

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We have a total of six infection chains that are, as far as we know, separate from each other. We fear that these people may have spread the virus further. So there’s a risk that we won’t be able to isolate it in these infection chains.

Three of the injured In Uppsala he must have been fully vaccinated. All infected persons should have symptoms.

– They got really sick, but fortunately the relatively young group didn’t need hospital care.

We encourage everyone to get symptomatic PCR tests, even if you have been vaccinated, says Mats Martinel.