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Forced to hear heart sounds before abortion in Hungary

Copy from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-09-13 21:21

Original title of the article:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Photo: TT

Women who want to have an abortion in Hungary will be forced to listen to the fetus’s heartbeat or take part in other signs of life from the fetus before the abortion, according to a new regulation from the country’s right-wing nationalist government.

In a statement, the Home Office wrote that modern devices can detect heart sounds early in pregnancy, which can provide “more comprehensive information for pregnant women.” Doctors are responsible for women’s participation in the sign of life, according to the new rule that takes effect on September 15.

Hungary, under authoritarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, introduced tax breaks and other financial benefits for families with multiple children, hoping to boost the country’s birth rate.

In 2011, the government also wrote into the country’s constitution that “the life of the fetus must be protected from pregnancy” – however, this has not changed the country’s relatively liberal abortion legislation since the 1950s.

Corrected: In a previous release, there was misinformation about the birth rates in Hungary.

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