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Fisheries and agriculture issues in Ukraine at the EU meeting

Prior to the Fisheries Consultation with Great Britain and Norway

Ministers will present their positions ahead of Commission consultations with the UK and Norway on fishing opportunities for 2023.

They will also hold a discussion prior to the Committee’s deliberations with the coastal States concerned (Norway, Great Britain, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Russia) regarding stocks of mackerel, blue whiting, herring and kingfish.

For Sweden, it is especially important to maintain cross-border fishing in Skagerrak as well as access to the Norwegian Economic Zone in the North Sea.

After consultations, member states will negotiate a political agreement on fishing opportunities for 2023, which will then be adopted by the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in December 2022.

Agriculture in Ukraine

The Commission will brief the Ministers on the state of agricultural production and agricultural logistics in Ukraine. The development of Ukraine’s agriculture and logistics to and from Ukraine are of great importance to global food security. It concerns above all the supply of grain but also access to commercial fertilizers.

Ministers are expected to discuss how work with Solidarity Corridors will work and what additional measures can be taken to ensure food safety.

Industrial Emissions Directives Revision

As part of implementing the EU’s Green Deal, the Commission has proposed a revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive. The purpose of the directive is to prevent and reduce pollution from industrial activities. The Committee proposes new simplified requirements for animal husbandry operations. What is new is that livestock must also be included. Today, the directive includes only pigs and poultry.

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At the meeting, the ministers will discuss the new proposal of the committee.

Ambassador Torbjorn Hack represents Sweden at the meeting.