Calvin Harriswho was recently named the world's biggest and highest-paid DJ according to Forbes, is releasing a new album "Practice"...
The Hives have taken the world by storm, style and top-notch garage rock. On September 15, one of Sweden's most...
Ystad municipality is concerned about the consequences of Brexit on future film projects – Kulturnit
- I'm very worried. I don't think we will succeed with our project, that's how crazy it is, says Petra...
In the United Kingdom, the historical drama was nominated 12 years a slave For Best Picture when the BAFTA Awards...
Conductor Alice Farnham, current with the Satyagraha Opera at Folkobiran, encourages young women to become conductors through workshops led by...
Those of us who have watched Secrets and Lies and Happy go Lucky may be wondering how did Lee get...
The film option for Maria Turchaninoff's fantasy book Maresi has been sold to a British film company. - At some...
I did it again. Miley Cyrus He once again broke the YouTube record for the most viewed music video in...
The biggest pop star and vocalist of the year; Miley Cyrus Getting ready for the new album "Sausage" Which will...
The legendary rock band from London has performed at Grona Lund three times before, with their last concert on August...