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Commentary: From the Sugar Factory by Dorothee Elmiger – Kulturnytt in P1

Commentary: From the Sugar Factory by Dorothee Elmiger – Kulturnytt in P1

title: from the sugar factory
author: Dorothy Major
Original title: from the sugar factory
Translation: Nick Ruth Pearson

From the sugar factory is not really a novel.

Dorothy Elmiger is a modern explorer and travels primarily by reading, then collectively and systematically joining stories from different places and times. What emerges are new connections and ideas. She herself calls what she does a research report.

So what is the book really about? Another reader might refer to sugar and the relationship between American farms and wage workers in Europe. Or the threads between a slave uprising in Haiti 200 years ago and a Swiss lottery millionaire who personally went bankrupt.

Personally, I would say that it is ultimately a story of love and longing that is reasonably linked.

Least Common Divisor It is sugar. A slice of the finest pear to stir the person you’ve fallen in love with a high-sugar pill by the bed to relieve anxiety and loneliness.

At the end of the book is a detailed source reference for all the texts the author used as building materials. Isn’t reading that generates another reading one of the best things about reading?

I feel it To cast me above all she points to: Max Frisch’s novel “Montock”, which has not been read on my shelf for many years. Gerhard Mayer wrote about plants and clouds, which I had never heard of. Mystic Teresa Avila.

“From the Sugar Factory” is literature as architecture – to wander and let the thought fly, until it lands in a new factory. It is an edited read. Clever and complex, without being cumbersome.

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Despite the segmented construction, there is a forward absorbent movement.

It’s not a fun book And a lot of work that I do myself. But, what a satisfaction that comes from this kind of intellectual stimulation.

Much better than a sugar rush.