Internet company Cloudflare has developed an alternative to the so-called CAPTCHA functions that are often used on web pages to verify that it is a human and not a bot, for example, trying to submit a form.
Cloudflare calls its option “Turnstile” and says this should be able to determine if a human or a bot is on the current web page. According to Cloudflare, it takes a user an average of 32 seconds to verify with the CAPTCHA function, while Turnstile’s verification takes about one second.
Turnstile uses various variables that it retrieves from the browser, which you enter to be able to determine if you are dealing with a human or a bot. Cloudflare writes:
“Using Turnstile, we adapt the actual challenge outcome to the individual visitor/browser. First, we run a series of non-interactive JavaScript mini-challenges that collect more signals about the visitor/browser environment. These challenges include Proof of Work, Proof of Space, and Searching for Programming Interfaces Web applications, and many other challenges to detect quirks in the browser and human behavior. As a result, we can adjust the difficulty of the challenge according to the specific demand.”
Web developers and website owners who want to replace their CAPTCHA features with Turnstile can do so by including Cloudflare’s JavaScript. This is free and how to install it is all there are instructions at the link below.
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