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CEO of the Green Electricity Company: “Greenwashing is a good thing”

CEO of the Green Electricity Company: “Greenwashing is a good thing”

The founder of British energy company Ecotricity believes greenwashing should be seen as a positive sign that companies are moving in the right direction.

Greenwashing, or green painting, is what it is called when companies or organizations present themselves in their marketing as environmentally friendly, although the measures they have taken are ineffective or insignificant compared to the negative effects of their activities on the environment.

They didn’t care ten years ago

Dale VinceThe founder and CEO of energy company Ecotricity says greenwashing is ubiquitous, but he finds it’s a good thing because companies that paint green didn’t care until ten years ago, she said. CNBC.

“Now they care. They see they have to do something and so they paint green. I say that’s progress. I’ve seen it before and it doesn’t take them away from painting green and then doing something real.”

Green gas from plants

Dale Vince founded Ecotricity in 1995 and the company calls itself Britain’s greenest energy company, according to the company, 100 percent of its electricity is environmentally friendly.

CNBC writes that the company describes its gas as follows: “A mixture of carbon dioxide-neutral natural gas and sustainable green gas.”

According to Ecotricity, the Green Gas Mill is fed a mixture of grasses and herbs grown on farmland along with other plants and does not require farmland to rival food production.

Greenwashing – a public relations tactic

In recent years, the debate about environmental washing has become more fierce, and multinational corporations with large resources and emit a lot of carbon dioxide are often accused.

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Greenpeace UK believes this is a PR tactic used to make something appear green without reducing its environmental impact in a meaningful way.

He must act now

Dale Vince says action must be taken now to ensure a more sustainable future and believes the UK could be energy independent with green energy in about ten years if it continues to do so.

“We have all the means, and it is economical to do so. It is less economical not to do so,” he told CNBC.

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Read more: Greenwashing – This is how you reveal the scam [Dagens PS]