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Öresundskraft and Boxon agree on negative emissions

Öresundskraft and Boxon agree on negative emissions

Packaging company Boxon has signed an Agreement of Intent with Öresundskraft regarding the procurement of negative emission certificates. This allows Boxon to offset climate emissions that would otherwise be difficult to remove.

Orisundskraft wants to separate the carbon dioxide from Helsingborg’s Vilbornaverket, the so-called CCS, with the aim of removing about 210,000 tons of fossil and bio-dioxide. This makes it possible for Öresundskraft to offer CO2-free and negative-emission heating. Negative emissions can be used to offset climate emissions that are difficult to remove in other ways.

– Boxon has signed a Letter of Intent with Öresundskraft to purchase 1,000 tons of negative CO2e per year. We did this because we see CCS as a complement to other emissions reduction efforts, such as energy efficiency and reducing fossil energy use. she says Anne Sophie GunnarssonDirector of Sustainability at Boxon. And she adds:

– We have an ambitious agenda for sustainability and through close collaboration with Oresundskraft we can contribute to reaching climate goals in Helsingborg, in Sweden and internationally.

Oresundskraft has allocated approximately SEK 70 million to lay the groundwork for a decision to invest in a full-fledged CO2 capture and storage plant in Filbornaverket, a decision to be taken in 2025. Oresundskraft is also studying various CCO2 transport and logistics solutions, within Carbon Network Southern Sweden consists of about ten companies in Southern Sweden.

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