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Anders Tegnell sent to United Kingdom – United Kingdom

For now, potential entrepreneurs can have a company ready to start, absolutely free, from Wint’s automated accounting service.

We believe good ideas deserve space and we want to make it as easy as possible to start and run a company, comments CEO Daniel Johansson.

When you start a new limited company, you usually face two options: spend time managing the company’s registration and starting up on your own or buy an already registered limited company, the so-called stock company.

But there is now also a third alternative – easier and cheaper. Winte Automated Accounting Service It expands its offering by providing a free startup to pre-registered limited companies – including a bank account and ready-made connections to both the accounting service and the Swedish tax authority.

Our goal has always been to make running a business very easy, which we achieve by automating as much management as possible for our clients. Our service automatically handles everything from accounting, payroll and payments to yearly announcements and accounts for more than 2,000 companies. We now want to make starting your business easy, says Daniel Johansson, CEO of Wint.

Also read: How Wint Can Automate Your Company’s Finances

Start a company and start working right away

Actually starting a company can be a tedious and time consuming process. If you register the company yourself, it may take several weeks from the time you submit your application for the registration to take place.

You will avoid this wait time if you buy a warehouse company, but even then, there is a lot of management that needs to be done on your own, plus, of course, you have to pay for it. Instead, Wint has created a free offering that allows you to completely skip these steps.

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In theory, our offer means you can wake up with a good business idea in the morning and start working at your new company the same afternoon, without running the startup at all, says Natalie Bjornmann, head of the enterprising new Wint.

– We give you a brand new repository for totally FREE, which is just a really useful offer. In addition, we provide registration fees at the Swedish company registry, fix all administrative matters and make sure you have a startup limited company with a company account with SEB and ready connections to both Wint’s automated accounting service and the Swedish tax authority. She explained that the only thing you need to do is invest 25,000 SEK in equity capital and start your business.

Find out how to start a business with Wint

Several companies have already started

Natalie says that Wint started the project in recent weeks and that it has already helped a handful of new entrepreneurs start their businesses. But the goal is higher than that.

We see how this increases our chances of becoming a natural partner for Swedish entrepreneurs throughout their journey, from start to business, and we look forward to following them and helping them for many years to come. We already have a number of start-ups in stock and more will be added on an ongoing basis. Just get in touch and we’ll help you get started, Natalie concludes with a smile.

Want to start a company with the help of Wint? Here you can read more and register your interest.