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Taking care of EU / EEA patients, conferences, Swedes abroad and other foreign citizens

The regions are obligated to provide immediate health care to foreign and Swedish citizens abroad if needed. However, circumstances seem different depending on the country in which the foreign citizen or Swedish foreign national resides.

The patient’s right to care after Brexit

The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland left the European Union on 1 February 2020 with an orderly withdrawal agreement. During the transition period until December 31, 2020, there were no changes regarding patients’ right to care. However, with the end of the transition period and the conclusion of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement on December 24, 2020, the rules have changed at several points.

Information on Patients’ Right to Care after Brexit on May 5, 2021 (PDF)

Försäkringskassan on the impact of Brexit

From February 1, 2020, the UK and Northern Ireland will issue European Health Insurance Cards (EHICs) without the EU logo. The cards they issued earlier are still valid.

New look for EHIC for UK and Northern Ireland citizens (PDF)

The word covid-19 vaccination

Swedes abroad and COVID-19 vaccination in Sweden

The SKR brochure caring for people from other countries

Chapters 3 to 6 of the SKR handbook Caring for People from Other Countries contain a summary of the rules that apply to caring for patients from the EU / EEA or Switzerland, patients under the agreement, Swedes abroad and other foreign citizens.

Handbook of caring for people from other countries

Complete the guide

After reviewing the handbook in 2016, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency supplemented with three revised certificates and a new one. The appendix also contains examples. There was also a new requirement that the district care bill must be completed by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency with a copy of the patient’s identity document.

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Försäkringskassan supplementary certificate (PDF)

Försäkringskassan’s new requirements for a care bill for patients from the rest of the Nordic region (PDF)

EU citizens at particular risk

The SKR document on EU citizens at risk discusses, among other things, the issue of legislation in the area of ​​healthcare for people residing in Sweden without the necessary permits in individual cases, which may also apply to EU citizens (page 7).

Vulnerable EU Citizens, Law (PDF)