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“A strong will to finish the Paris rulebook”

“A strong will to finish the Paris rulebook”

Glasgow. Negotiations at the Climate Summit are getting tougher to achieve the 1.5-degree target.

Environment and Climate Minister Per Poland told DEE that the will is strong between countries – but more is needed.

“I am very optimistic”.

during Wednesday Negotiations between Glasgow countries intensified in the run-up to the crucial final days of the summit.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is hosting the meeting, said at a news conference on Wednesday that it now required brave negotiators and more ambitious plans to get all the way forward.

At the same time, the first draft of the agreement was published, which included, among other things, a call to countries for new climate plans before the end of next year. In addition, climate promises will be further strengthened by 2030 in order to meet the Paris Agreement, according to the document.

The project has since been examined by states before further negotiations.

I met Bear Poland Between several meetings on Wednesday evening when he admitted that the discussions were still difficult but moving forward.

“It is constructive and we knew when we came here that there are many difficult issues to be resolved. There are many issues that have held out for several years due to the existence of such closed positions. I would say that we live in a better atmosphere than we have been in a long time,” Poland says.

The draft agreement was quietly received during the day and was criticized for not being sharp or clear enough.

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Per Poland says a big step forward is now needed so that countries can get closer to each other.

This is what countries have to do now. I focus on doing what is needed. There will be many hours of work, and a lack of nightly here in the coming days,” he says.

“There is a strong will to take the Paris rulebook into target and come up with a financing solution that achieves the 1.5-degree target. Of course we have details left, but I am very optimistic that we will be able to address this along the way,” he says.