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A dark delicacy from Scotland

“Our Little Secret” is one of the best summer TV series

Our little secret.

picture: Mark Maines / BBC / Predict / Happy Tramp North.

The Scottish TV review of Our Little Secret, about two misfit brothers trying to hide the fact that they killed a man, is a perfect television act; Sexy, perfectly represented, comic black and erratic, with an irresistible soundtrack.

Rating: 4 out of 5 plus
Our little secret

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season 1
Written by Neil Forsyth and starring Mark Bonar, Jimmy Sieves, Ruth Bradley, Sian Brooke, Bill Patterson, Elle Haddington, Eamonn Elliott, and Moyo Akande.

Thrillermesterum Dark humor and great graphics are combined with tense thrills that pop in unexpected directions in this wonderful four-part series on the theme of guilt.
Guilt, as the original title reads, premiered in the UK in 2019, as the first BBC Scotland drama, then welcomed by, among others, the author of Duty Line Good Mercurio. And it’s easy to see why, this is a great TV craft.
The series does not waste any time but begins with the hustle and bustle of the Max brothers (Mark Bonar(and jake)Jimmy Sives سيفAn elderly man was murdered in an Edinburgh street on his way home from a wedding. Jake, a clumsy record store owner who has given up his life, automatically wants to call the police. But Max, a successful shark-like lawyer who thinks there’s always a loophole, thinks it’s best if they carry the man home and try to escape.

However, Jake happens to immediately forget his wallet, and when it is assumed that he is a friend of the deceased, the brothers are drawn into an increasingly tangled tangle, which includes an American relative (Ruth Bradley), dissatisfied wife (Sian Brock), alcoholic private investigator (Eamonn Elliott), cunning old neighbor (Eli Haddington) and gang crest (Bill Patterson) while wearing hard gloves. Max and Jake are not the only ones who carry guilt and secrets.
The trap is screwed. But who or whose feet will dangle in the air in the end?
Our Little Secret is one of the real highlights of the summer. A dark, funny and unpredictable delicacy, without any dead time, despite the obvious feelings of fashion makers Hitchcock and brothers Queen Really feel special. The playlist is something out of the ordinary and the acting is very fun.
The best is Bonar who stole every view Rob Delanes And the Sharon Horgans “Disaster” here makes cold looks an art form.
A second season is on the way.

Our Little Secret will premiere on SVT Play on July 26.

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