Warehouse managers today see a link between a good work environment and profitability – but at the same time they lack the right knowledge to be able to realize their ideas. This is shown by a new survey conducted by Kantar Sifo on behalf of AJ Produkter.
A well-thought-out, safe and comfortable work environment benefits employees and businesses alike, says David Bray, Vice President at AJ Produkter.
There are many reasons why it is so important to have a good work environment. In addition to preventing accidents, ill health and disease at work, a well-thought-out work environment ensures that productivity does not decrease among employees.
At AJ Produkter they have been furnishing and equipping premises for over 45 years. Now the company has taken another step to gain more knowledge about the physical working environment and is conducting a survey with Kantar Sifo.
Many lack knowledge
The new report “Physical Work Environment – Knowledge Between Managers and Leaders” shows, among other things, that every second manager talks about the work environment every week – while five out of six report that they lack a very high level of knowledge about how it actually creates an environment Good physical work.
– Improvements in the work environment is a constant current issue where many consider themselves to have certain knowledge, but would like to have more as there is a direct link to profitability. As many as 86 percent of warehouse managers surveyed see a clear link between a good physical work environment and a company’s profitability, says David Bray.
‘It’s a competitive advantage’
The survey is based on 400 interviews with warehouse and logistics managers in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. The report shows that four out of five managers believe that a good physical work environment is important to the company in the long run. The majority also think that the interior design can be improved. Managers were also asked if they believed that the physical work environment on the industrial side would evolve within their business over the next five years. There, a clear majority believed that the work environment would evolve – and get better.
– We have a good working environment today, but we want to be ahead. We are constantly improving the environment so that people want to work here. It is a competitive advantage and creates luxury. It also leads to better attendance and output, says one of the managers who participated in the survey.

Warehouse Manager at AJ Produkter Frederic Emilson with David Bray, Vice President at AJ Produkter.
Automated solutions are increasing
For AJ Produkter, the purpose of the survey was, among other things, to capture the needs of the future to ensure they continue to deliver what customers demand.
The work environment is a hot topic in which both managers and employees participate. The area is under constant development and we are increasingly moving towards automated solutions. Our goal is to always be on top, says David Bray.
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