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Today, the last hurdle for a trade agreement with the UK is lifted – European Parliament approves by clear majority |  Foreign

Today, the last hurdle for a trade agreement with the UK is lifted – European Parliament approves by clear majority | Foreign

The EU-UK trade agreement received its final approval today, when figures from yesterday’s vote were presented in the European Parliament. The agreement has been in use temporarily since the beginning of the year, pending parliamentary approval.


“Brexit” is a phrase that Prime Minister Boris Johnson has repeatedly said about lust and guidance.

But paradoxically, the European Parliament will be the last attempt to ratify the EU-UK trade agreement.

The agreement came into effect temporarily at the beginning of the year after the United Kingdom withdrew from EU acquisition.

EU President: Opening a new era

The final decision of the agreement to ratify the agreement was taken by a clear majority in Parliament.

660 members voted in favor of the agreement, while five members of parliament opposed it.

European Council President Charles Michel wrote on Twitter that the agreement opens a new era in relations with the United Kingdom.

Commission chair Ursula van der Leyen also welcomed the decision and stressed that the application of the agreement would be important in the future.

Parliament voted last night

Parliament voted on the deal last night. But the vote was postponed until the morning, with a majority in parliament voting in the distance.

It is already clear that a majority of parliamentarians support the deal.

“I hope we can turn the page after the vote and start looking forward,” Christoph Hanson (EPP), a Member of Parliament for the United Kingdom, told a news conference on Tuesday.

Talking about a fresh start for the EU and the UK is even more difficult given the tensions that prevailed after the final secession earlier this year.

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The issue of the Irish border is of concern

Among other things, they are dissatisfied with how the UK has interpreted the content of the protocol to ensure continued peaceful development in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

– I must say that the mood is very important for Britain. People are not so happy about what Prime Minister Johnson did. But on the other hand, Social Democrat MEP Ero Heinluma says the majority believes it is necessary to reach an agreement with the United Kingdom.

Alvina Almets looks straight at the camera and smiles.  An office can be seen in the background.

EU Member of Parliament Alvina Alametze.
Alvina Almets looks straight at the camera and smiles. An office can be seen in the background.
Built by: Yle / Rikhard Husu
Alvina Alameda

Green MEP Alvina Alamedse also sees challenges in her relationship with England, which should be noted in the future.

Postponement of the contract has not yet resolved the issues.

– There are certainly issues that we need to negotiate over the years and things that will be mentioned later. But the fact that we have an agreement makes the daily lives of people in both the UK and the EU easier.

Barnier: An alarm bell for Europe

Tonight’s referendum was preceded by a debate in which MEPs had the opportunity to think about the Brexit process and negotiations with Britain.

In his speech to parliament, former chief negotiator Michael Barnier said Brexit serves as a wake-up call for the EU.

– Why did 52 percent of Britons choose to vote against Europe? The reason may be the social anger and discontent in many regions of the UK. The same discontent exists in Europe. Our job is to listen and understand people’s feelings.

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Work continues to clarify and renew the agreement with representatives of the European Union and the United Kingdom on several working groups.

The agreement also includes a dispute resolution mechanism in cases of disagreement.

K.L. 10:21 am: Article updated with poll results and comments from EU leaders.