Experienced leaker Yogesh Brar has posted information about Qualcomm’s upcoming Snapdragon, the infamous Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus. According to Brar, Qualcomm will introduce the new system circuit in early May, which could mean it will be at Qualcomm’s 5G Summit that will take place in San Diego from May 9-11. Brar also says that they will simultaneously introduce the new Snapdragon 700 series.
There are no direct specifications for the new processor yet, but previous leaks claim that it will be based on TSMC’s 4nm platform and have a higher clock frequency and faster AI processing are a head start.
The first devices to use the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus should be able to debut as early as June, and the leak also mentions potential mobile phones that might get the new circuit. Oneplus is said to be working on the Ultra model of the Oneplus 10 Pro which is supposed to come in September. Xiaomi is also said to be working on an Ultra model, more specifically the Xiaomi 12 Ultra, to be launched later this year. Motorola is working on a mobile phone named Project Frontier, which is a candidate for the new processor, plus Lenovo (which owns Motorola) is working on a secret mobile phone for a completely new model that may also be suitable.
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