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Therefore, you do not know which vaccine to get in the Kalmar area

Therefore, you do not know which vaccine to get in the Kalmar area

It happens very often that we change the type of vaccine that is delivered to one place. We should then provide a vaccine that is different from what was said at the time of booking, that would also be a problem, says Mary Ragnarson, Vaccination Coordinator for the Kalmar County area.

In the neighboring district of Kronoberg, the district can, if desired, already at the time of reservation tell which vaccine should be allocated. Kronoberg chose vaccination mainly in phases 2 and 3 at the health centers, unlike Kalmar, which now has three different vaccination centers in the pipeline. According to Mary Ragnarson, Kronoberg’s strategy for Kalmar County is not working.

– We saw that it was impossible for us to do this way, and we have three good vaccines to vaccinate.

In the clip, you hear Mary Ragnarson tell why Kalmar County hadn’t previously told the customized vaccine.

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Mirsada Popaja prefers to be at the back of the vaccine queue than to take Astra Zeneca vaccine. You hear her say more in the clip. picture: SVT

Kalmarbon angered at keeping the vaccine type secret: “I intend to cancel my appointment.”

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