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The United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand and other monarchies are in trouble

The United Kingdom, Spain, Thailand and other monarchies are in trouble

Testimony by Prince Harry and his wife, Megan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, They are a severe blow to an organization that already has problems avoiding modernizing and integrating citizen issues.

Fairy tales are, as it were, pure story. From time immemorial, members of the monarchy have been involved in all sorts of corruptions in order to be human like their own rule: betrayals, diseases, hatred, bad relationships, corruption, stormy love stories with the common people and all sorts of sins are the most common of them among those on the throne and among the common citizens.

According to surveys conducted by organizations in the countries where the monarchy exists, it is precisely this “very human” life that people explain as failure; “The old image of the royal family is no longer a pillar of honor,” say pollsters.

This is evidenced by the confessions made by Prince Harry and his wife Megan during an interview with Oprah Winfrey about her life in the British royal family and her decision to leave it.

Yet the damage caused by racist allegations is the worst blow to the British monarchy, which is now in deep debate about its colonial past. Since its coronation in 1952, Queen Elizabeth II has had a peaceful presence for the British people, but today the new generation is calling for change and modernization; The marriage between American, divorced and former actress Megan Markle, and Prince William’s brother, Prince Harry, was seen as a transition, after which the royal family increased its support. The fairy tale fell to the ground.

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There are currently 45 sovereign nations; The 16 Commonwealth kingdoms recognize Queen Elizabeth II as their head of state. Most modern European monarchies exercise unrestricted power over the constitution and heredity, with the exception of the presidents of Liechtenstein and Monaco.

The monarchies of Cambodia and Malaysia are constitutional, although they have enormous social and legal influence unlike their European counterparts. The kings of Brunei, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Ezra have more political influence than any other source of power in their country.

But a virus attacks royalty: rejection. A few days ago Spain faced violent protests against royalty, and Pablo Hazel was convicted and captured for a series of raging poems and songs against the monarchy. One thing that has increased the annoyance of citizens with Emeritus King Juan Carlos de Bourbon, who deported himself to the United Arab Emirates, has been persecuted by multiple investigations into corruption and enrichment.

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As if that were not enough, the public was further saddened to learn that the sisters of the current King, King Felipe VI, had been vaccinated against Govt-19 in Abu Dhabi. The Spanish crown is at the center of controversy.

The virus of the disease also touched the royalty of Thailand, where criticizing the monarchy is a crime punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Since last year, thousands have demanded that the king be overthrown and that the crime of “Les Majestat” be abolished.

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The problems for Japanese royalty are different, but they are a serious mess to solve. Emperor Akihito of Japan relinquished the throne in 2019 after a reign marked by peace. He presented the throne to his son, Prince Naruhito, amid a debate over the need for legal reforms to ensure the continuity of the Japanese royal family. There is the current law of the Imperial House, which states that women cannot access the throne and must abandon their hereditary rights if they decide to marry a commoner. Maintaining this law could jeopardize the future of the future as there are more women than men in the future.

Finally the Saudi dynasty, with its most powerful royal family and most members, faces serious problems. But even the most controversial. According to former CIA agent Robert Name, “the Saudi royal family has been financing the militants for years.”

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