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The bureaucratic language of the intranet turned into synthesis music: a “critical fist”

The bureaucratic language of the intranet turned into synthesis music: a “critical fist”

Daniel Sandvik, MD, an internal medicine specialist at Mora Hospital, composes music under the stage name Daniel Saturn. Press photo: Nitan Kwok.

– I wanted to create a concept album a bit like Kraftwerk. It’s always best to research where you stand, so I thought I’d do something healthcare related, says Daniel Sandvik, with stage name Daniel Saturn.

“The management process is a systematic and predictable process of running a business in a standardized, orderly and efficient manner.” When Daniel Sandvik, an internal medicine specialist at Mora Hospital, scrolled through Dalarna’s intranet, the lines brought life back to his creative path. The result was a record release earlier this fall and a theater performance in a hospital auditorium: Daniel Sandvik played his synthesizer while a computer voice reads the intranet installations of futuristic images on a large screen.

– It was fun and well attended, a hundred people have already attended. Then I played at the Fallon Cultural Center the next day. At that time, there were quite a few people from the information department listening, after all, it was they who published these texts.

What did they think?

– she wanted. I don’t really think anyone is responsible for this stuff on the intranet. There is no one who can offend what I do, because what is written is copied and pasted from other documents.

Daniel Sandvik stresses that he is not looking to “hack his employer” but that the art project is rather critical to the system.

A critique of the public welfare bureaucracy. I started working in 2009 and since then more levels of management have been introduced and then we have GDPR causing that.

Daniel Sandvik says patients also get less and less time, while administrative work increases.

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I spend 80 percent of my work time sitting in front of the computer, 15 percent for patients and 5 percent in the coffee room. It is crooked.

At the beginning of December, he hopes to be able to take a small tour of, among other places, Stockholm and Gothenburg. Now he is fixing buildings.

– This time I will play in many cultural centers, but in the long run I think you can manage the show on clinic days and conferences.

Listen to the song process analysis.

Listen to the song Patient Människa Produkt.