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‘Strange – we have no explanation’

‘Strange – we have no explanation’

Johann Garbenloff is criticized by Adrian and Mario Quimby.

© Photo: Simon Hastegard / Bildbyrån
Johann Garbenloff is criticized by Adrian and Mario Quimby.

Adrian and Mario Kempe together successfully played in the Hockey World Cup.

Then the brother suddenly broke up in two decisive matches against Slovakia and Russia.

– We got almost no explanation as to why they broke up, it was weird, says Adrian Quimby radio sports.

Tre Kronor only managed to win three games during this year’s water hockey tournament.

In two victories, the series was with the Kimbe brothers, Adrian And the Mario, who was driving for Tre Kronor and was against Switzerland and against Great Britain.

But suddenly in the match against Slovakia, the captain of the national team Johann Garbenlov broke up with the brotherly duo and they were no longer allowed to play together in the same series.

This is something the brothers are reacting to strongly now.

– I think we played well when we played together. One of us scored either a goal or a point in every game. We didn’t get any explanation as to why they broke up with us, so it was a little weird. It was a period (against Slovakia) that probably wasn’t the best, but I don’t think you need to move by name just because you had a not so good period, says younger brother Adrian radio sports.

“I thought we were good”

Mario Quimby, however, says he received an explanation, but is still disappointed that he is not allowed to play with his brother anymore.

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– I was eliminated from that series after the first period against Slovakia. Then I asked why and got an answer that “change is needed”. This was him. I can only speak for myself, but it was one of the moments I am most proud of, to play with Adrian in the World Cup. They just played with that energy and I think we did really well, big brother Mario tells the radio.

Then Johann Garbenlov responded to the criticism on Tuesday and explained his decision.

There may always be things that you could have communicated better during the trip. If they (the Kimbe brothers) feel this way, they feel that way. We can’t change that now. We think we did what we needed to do in this case, the league captain said.

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