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Six months later: Cyberpunk 2077 is re-released after a technical failure

Six months later: Cyberpunk 2077 is re-released after a technical failure

In December 2020, game fans have been waiting for several years for the release of the role-playing game Cyperpunk 2077. Eight million players bought the game before its release. But once it reached players, a meltdown ensued, and the game studio was heavily criticized for technical issues and bugs — in some cases too extensive to make it unplayable.

Polish game studio CD Projekt RED presented one general apologyCyberpunk 2077 and money offer For those who bought the game and were disappointed.

The game studio promised major updates to the game in January and February, but only now in June will the game be released again on the Playstation Store digital. CD Projekt RED announces the return of Cyberpunk 2077 starting June 21.

“Players were completely fooled,” Joachim Vos-Sondel, gaming critic at Kulturnyheter, said of the technology meltdown that occurred when Cyberpunk 2077 launched in December 2020:

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Game critic: ‘Players are totally cheated’ picture: Casey Rodgers / SVT
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