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Review: The Connection (Season 1).

Review: The Connection (Season 1).

Unidentified pirates threaten the security of England

There is a lot of talk now about hackers hacking into various systems and websites in Sweden. By request, Apple TV+ has released an action series about hackers who threaten the country’s security.

The series begins with a married couple Pirates in Syria are attacked by soldiers, in the midst of the ongoing hacking operations. However, they somehow manage to get away and contact French security sources. Hackers discovered something really big and dangerous when they got into Bashar al-Assad’s network and iCloud. The French decided to receive intruders who wanted to announce what had been discovered. But their journey to France will not be entirely easy.

At the same time, England is subject to many large and deadly pirate attacks. Attacks targeting infrastructure and security police. No one in England knows who or who is behind this act. But the intruders know, and the French want to attack them, just like the British. However, the French and the British are not good friends in the series and do everything to get to the hackers from Syria before the other to find out about their discovery. The whole thing becomes a bit of a semi-political game of cat and mouse, while one or a few people threaten to destroy all of England with pirate attacks.

Image: Apple TV +

Completely throws away an exciting plot

Not too messy or complicated, right? No matter how easy. No, I understand if a brief plot summary might sound confusing and hard to understand. Believe me, it is. But at first, it’s not that complicated and complex. in the beginning Connection Indeed a very interesting series with a straight plot and thread. But within two episodes, something happened, and the creators of the series decided to throw in politics, love history, and a thousand other side tracks that make the series completely lose its grip.

At first it was intense and exciting An action thriller about hackers who threaten to bring down an entire country. However, in hindsight, you can already sense from the start that it wasn’t going to be a very good series. Hacking is very simple, has been done on computers since the turn of the millennium and mostly consists of close typing on a keyboard. In other words, nothing you’ve never seen before. As the thriller starts to get more and more political and complex, it doesn’t really know what it wants and gets over itself and doesn’t do anything with sincerity, but tries a little bit with all the genres out there. It all ends in chaos and disappointment.

Image: Apple TV +

He loses himself episode after episode

Somewhere behind all prejudice and apathy Love affairs still hide the thriller. If you can ignore a lost plot, a script that mostly consists of clichés and a lot of other things that feel more than familiar, then this is the series for you. It’s not something we haven’t seen already, but the series that blends all action series and action movies has already turned into a somewhat stinking mess that mostly disappoints. What could have been so good gets lost, episode after episode.

“Liaison” begins as an interesting and suspenseful thriller about hackers. Topical work to say the least. But as these French/British/Syrian episodes replace one another, the series becomes increasingly confusing, almost exhausting. However, somewhere in all this chaos, there is still action and excitement. However, it is not exciting or interesting enough to keep interest till the end.

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