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Pre-favorite Ukraine wins at Eurovision

Pre-favorite Ukraine wins at Eurovision

After a long voting process, it became clear that Ukraine had won the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in the form of the Kalush band with the song Stefania. They wanted to take the win home before the match.

After the international arbitral tribunal awarded their points, it was not clear if Ukraine would recover. But the majority of the audience voted 439, with the help of 631 points.

– Thanks for supporting Ukraine, this victory is for every Ukrainian. Long live Ukraine !, says Oleh Psiuk immediately after the victory.

Sweden’s Cornelia Jacobs finished fourth with 438 points. Great Britain was also the favorite, but had to settle for second place and 466 points.

Singer’s shout on stage: “Help Ukraine!”

After the Kalush band finished its number, band member Ole PCUK grabbed the microphone and urged the audience to help Ukraine.

“Please help Ukraine, help Mariupol and help Azovstal,” he shouted.

Organizer EBU has already made it clear that the Eurovision Song Contest is a non-political event. But no one will be punished for the report.

In this case, the EBU believes that these are humanitarian statements V.G..

– We now understand the deep feelings for Ukraine, and we consider the views of the Kalush band and other artists to be humane, not political, the organizer tells the newspaper.

It is not clear where ESC 2023 will be organized

The band had previously said it would be held in Ukraine if Eurovision 2023 wins. But with Russia’s invasion of that country, it is not yet clear whether that will happen.

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Eurovision director Martin Astardal said in one Interview with SVT That result will be in the future earlier this week.

– We will start the process a few weeks after the event and celebrate it first, Eurovision Director Martin Astor told SVT.

– We will hold discussions with the National Television Company in Ukraine, but it will be Eurovision 2023, I can say it.