There is a week until the Hungarian GP qualifies – it could be a historic week.
Lewis Hamilton could win his 100th GB victory.
– The race at Silverstone is a step for us. I think the course in Hungary applies to Red Bull, I don’t know why, maybe they have even less power? Hamilton says that thanks to the new rules, they will not lose less performance.
Now the Hungarian G.P. Wait, it’s usually hot in Budapest this year. They’re hard to drive again, and it’s very promising in a car.
– They are hard to beat. Driving back is hard, but you have to try a different strategy. At the same time, I hope it continues as it did last weekend.
With his ninth victory over the Hungarian GP in the UK and being able to drive in F1 history, he has won the same race more than once.
Now he shares that position with Michael Schumacher, who has won the French GP eight times. Hamilton has won eight times in England and Hungary. And seven times in Canada.
Schumacher has seven wins in Canada and seven wins in San Mario.
Faster news than the Hungarian GP
Two Ferrari drivers, Carlos Science and Charles Leklerk, were tested this week on Ferrari’s test track Fiorno. They have been using an SF71H since 2018, according to the regulations.
There is talk of Mick Schumacher and Alfa Romeo, but Uncle Ralph Schumacher wants to find another solution. The same solution that Bernie Ecclestone suggested a few days ago.
– Exactly. I agree. Ralph Schumacher tells German Sky that the Alpha Tory Mick with team manager Franz Dost is my first choice.
He also commented on pictures of Sebastian Vettel while collecting rubbish at the stand after the race.
– I think he’s very good at collecting trash, but I would have been very happy if he had put a few points together, Schumacher said.
Yesterday, the next F1 sprint was confirmed. You are reading this.
About the tough words between Mercedes and Red Bull, and this weekend’s match may be Voltaire Potta’s last chance.
Join us next week, despite the Olympics, there will be a new post per day. To prevent and avoid the worst Olympic storm, it will be released in the early afternoon / evening.
Thanks for reading.
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