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Passenger demands compensation: ‘Cocked between two fat men’

Passenger demands compensation: ‘Cocked between two fat men’

Political commentator Sydney Watson traveled from Australia on October 11 with American Airlines. But she wasn’t satisfied, to say the least, with passengers sitting next to her constantly describing her in-flight experience on Twitter.

“Now I am sitting between two fat men on my journey. This is simply not acceptable or acceptable. It is one thing if fat people want to be fat. But it is completely different when I am stuck between you with the folds of fat on my body for three hours,” Watson Books.

She described her as having only a quarter of her seat.

“I don’t care if that sounds mean. My whole body moves against my will. I can’t even fold the armrests because there’s no fucking room. I’m tired of pretending that this kind of morbid obesity is normal because it’s not, I can promise you that.”Watson writes. 2Ftravel%2Ftravel-updates%2Fincidents%2Fairline-response-after-woman-shames-overweight-passengers%2Fnews-story%2F1262abc4318f63ef6316e8d598d0815a

“Both fatties are sweating on me.”

Watson described the experience as “humiliating” and “dying on the inside”.

“Both fatties are sweating on me.”Watson Books.

She also wrote that overweight people should “pay for two seats or not travel at all.”

Watson flagged American Airlines and demanded some form of compensation.

American Airlines responded to Watson this way:

Our passengers come in all shapes and sizes. We are sorry that you were not comfortable during your flight.”

“I don’t regret anything, I mean everything I said”

Watson has received many angry comments on Twitter that she shames obesity.

“I now realize that it is because I have declared that I refuse to allow people to have their cars ring on my body without my consent.”Watson writes.

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She writes that she was accused of being a “fat hater” because she “was not willing to stay between two fat people for hours.”

“I don’t regret anything, I mean everything I said”, Watson writes.

The passenger attacked the flight attendant – mid-flight