Olekshi Kuleba, the governor of the Kyiv region, wrote Saturday morning on the messaging application Telegram that Russia had launched a bot over the region. According to Kuleba, there were no deaths or injuries.
On the other hand, the Ukrainian state-owned electricity company Unkrenergo stated that the attack caused massive damage to the energy infrastructure on the outskirts of the capital, Kyiv. Work on infrastructure repairs continues and Unkrenergo warns residents of power outages.
Two civilian victims in Nikopol
Also from Zaporizhia region, more attacks were reported on Saturday morning. Oleksander Starukh, the region’s governor, has stated that Russia has carried out attacks against the region with Iranian-made Kamikaze drones and long-range robots, AP reports.
Northeast of the Kherson region, in the Dnipropetrovsk region of the city of Nikopol, two civilians were killed as a result of Russian bombing. In addition, many residential buildings, shops and transportation facility in the city will be destroyed.
Details of this morning’s attacks were not confirmed by an independent body.
“All women and children must leave here.”
Since the Kerch Bridge – the only land link between Russia and the illegally annexed Crimea – was partially destroyed in an explosion a week ago, the Kremlin has launched large-scale drone strikes against several Ukrainian regions in what President Vladimir Putin has described as In retaliation for the bridge explosion.
In the city of Zaporizhzhya, devastation can be seen after the Friday attack.
– All women and children should leave here, says 39-year-old Konstantin.
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“Unapologetic writer. Bacon enthusiast. Introvert. Evil troublemaker. Friend of animals everywhere.”
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