Among others, comes the creator of "Batman: The Animated Series" from the 1990s, which is an all-new animated series about...
Rising temperatures mean the Greenland ice sheet is fading. If the ice completely disappeared, global sea levels could rise by...
Mattie Mattson continues to present at the European Swimming Championships in Hungary. In the semifinals of the 200-meter breaststroke, he...
Published: September 30, 2020 KL. 12.33Photo: Gareth Fuller AP / TTFishing in British waters has become a hot topic regarding...
Black holes, dark matter, gravity, space, time and motion are phenomena that fascinate researchers and artists. Photo museum displays Interlacing...
At the annual Google I / O development conference, the tech giant presented a raft of tech news. A lot...
A captain who defied the authorities was released completely and anchored in a rescue ship with immigrants on board an...
Belgium refers to a document from 1666 to allow fishing in British waters if negotiations with the European Union break...
FreeBSD, Mag 14, 2021 09:00 CET The first season of 'Pørni' set the first record for the original Norwegian movie...
Google hit the big design cylinder with Android 12. Here's the news in its upcoming OS. It was annoying and...