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Only half of the British are a Christian – know the day

Only half of the British are a Christian – know the day

A study conducted in the UK shows a sharp decline among non-Christians who know how to practice Christianity.
– This is a warning sign, says Rachel Jordan-Wolf, who is involved in the study.

HOPE Together and the UK Evangelical Alliance in the UK, among others, have released a report called Talking Jesus, following a similar study conducted seven years ago.

They asked 4,000 Britons what they think of Jesus, how non-Christians view Christian friends, and what the evangelical landscape is like in Britain today. Evangelical Focus Europe.

The report shows that 6 percent of those surveyed identified themselves as Christians and 42 percent said they did not. The report shows that 4 percent call themselves atheists and 12 percent call themselves atheists. The rest of the respondents defined themselves as belonging to other religions or nothing.

I want to know more about Jesus

In a 2015 report, 68 percent of non-Christians said they knew someone who followed Christianity. This compares with this year’s report, which shows a decline of 53 percent.

– This is a real downfall and a warning sign. Rachel Jordan-Wolf, CEO of HOPE Together, says that as churches, we must be careful and, as individuals, make sure we have life-giving friendships with people who do not yet know Jesus. Evangelical Focus Europe.

When asked by non-Christian respondents if they would like to learn more about Jesus after conversing with a Christian, 33 percent said they were ready for more conversations. This is an increase as only one in five of the 2015 reports showed interest.

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Despite the decline in non-Christian relationships with practicing Christians, previous studies suggest that a Christian denomination is growing in Britain, namely the Pentecostal churches.

Facts: The statement of the speaking Jesus

  • The actors behind Jesus speaks Provides a syllabus with this report, where Christians are trained to share their faith.
  • The research, which consisted of ten minutes of interviews with about 4,000 Britons, lasted from January 28 to February 13 earlier this year.
  • Read the report in its entirety Here.