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Nine master’s degree candidates have successfully defended their thesis for a master’s degree in dentistry in 2023

Nine master’s degree candidates have successfully defended their thesis for a master’s degree in dentistry in 2023

In 2023, nine candidates successfully defended their thesis and passed the exam. We would like to congratulate the following successful candidates and warmly thank the participating trainers, teachers and examiners for their commitment.

Majid Saleh Al-Aqla

Title: Chronic oral graft versus host disease (cGVHD): biomarkers and histopathological presentations. Overview article
supervisor: Rachel Sugar
External examiner: Joanna Simien

Jessica Tarander

Title: Evaluation of two different approaches to treat caries in primary molars
supervisor: Anika Jolin
External examiner: Therese Qvist

Elizabeth Augustinson Palmqvist

Title: Long-term outcomes of nonsurgical preventive measures in periodontal treatment: a registry-based study
supervisor: Nagihan Bostanci and Nivetha Gavrilidu
External examiner: Eva Nordendal

Afrin Gilani Haji

Title: Effect of vitamin D supplementation on periodontal and periodontal health. Systematic review and meta-analysis
supervisor: Elena Calciolari, Nagihan Bostanci, Benedetta Ghezzi
External examiner: Joanna Simien

Mai Suleiman

Title: Use of anamnestic data to assess bruxism in patients with obvious dental wear without physiological problems with biting
supervisor: Widad Hamoudi
External examiner: Abhishek Kumar

Parvin Shamlo

Title: Accuracy of 3D palatal scanning – comparison of direct intraoral scanning versus indirect scanning
supervisor: Niels Ganzer, Reinhild Jacobs
External examiner: Agneta Karsten

Balavi Khattar

Title: Inflammatory profile in disc displacement in the temporomandibular joint
supervisor: Rachel Sugars, Matthias Ulmner
External examiner: Karina Kruger Weiner

Matthew Ghorbani

Title: Effect of prosthetic rehabilitation on orofacial aesthetics in patients with severe dental wear
supervisor: Widad Hamoudi
External examiner: Mats Trolson

Emma Hallenstuhl

Title: Use of electromyography devices for the diagnosis of bruxism during sleep in patients with extensive dental wear without temporomandibular disorders.
supervisor: Widad Hamoudi
External examiner: Jassem shared

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