Netflix scrapped its old rating system in 2017 and replaced it with a more binary solution. Users were given the opportunity to view only movies and series up or down depending on whether the material was appreciated or not. Netflix announced that it is now possible for users to double-thumb on material to show that users really like the material.
According to Netflix, this has been added to improve the user experience by providing subscribers with better suggestions. This, in turn, will reduce the time users spend scrolling through Netflix’s libraries.
– Members have never before enjoyed so many great entertainment options that they have now. It is really important to be able to find shows and movies that you will love. We want to continue to make Netflix the easiest place to choose something to watch. – Kristen Doig-Cardit, Director of Product at Netflix
Double thumbs are now available to all users, in both applications and browsers. To find your thumb, you need to click on a movie or series and click on the thumb icon, which now offers to use three options instead of two.
In recent years, Netflix has tested many features to make the transition to movies and series easier. The top ten list was implemented in 2020, and last year a button was added for those randomly generated materials that might interest the user. In addition, it has recently become possible to remove movies and series in the . format keep watchingradians. According to Netflix, more user-friendly features will be added in the future.
Do you usually vote for or against things you’ve seen on Netflix?
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