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Humble Bee Bio wants to fix bioplastics from the animal kingdom.  Bees are skilled at more than just pollinating flowers.

Humble Bee Bio wants to fix bioplastics from the animal kingdom. Bees are skilled at more than just pollinating flowers.

New Zealand company Humble Bee Bio has developed a technology to create a type of bioplastic that mimics that produced by special species of bees. It’s a type of lemon bee that can’t produce honey but to make up for it it can rotate a type of bioplastic where it can lay its larvae. Humble Bee Bios Chief Technology Officer Ryan Graves tells TechCrunch:

“It is resistant to acids and bases. It is hydrophobic, hydrophobic, flame retardant, and stable up to 240°C.”

Humble Bee Bio is a bit left until it becomes possible to make a commercial bee-based bioplastic product that it aims to start selling. So far, they are in beta but they hope to be able to show off their first commercial samples soon. In the future, the goal is to produce bioplastics that can be woven into textiles that can, for example, be used in car and airplane seat covers and other things.

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Bees, animal fever, bioplastics and plastics


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