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HPV self-testing is being introduced into the epidemic

HPV self-testing is being introduced into the epidemic

The coronavirus has put a lot of pressure on itself – so it has the opportunity to provide cell samples. An important tool for detecting cellular changes in people with a uterus.

In a press release, Västra Götaland District writes that the pandemic has created waiting lists to provide cell samples at midwife clinics in the district and is therefore now offering self-sampling for HPV viruses.

– It is our hope that everyone who is now offered the test themselves does so too, in the same way that those who are called to a midwife also go there and leave the test. In order to allow everyone who provides a cytological sample during a pandemic to do so, it is important that self-samples and samples are taken at the midwife at the same time and that as many samples as possible are sent, says Maria Gertsen, chief of district midwife clinics who is also responsible for the introduction project. New self samples.

Follows the National Screening Program

She says the test is easy to do yourself, and is as reliable as the test you take with your midwife. If the result is positive, just as before, a follow-up is carried out by the midwife to check for any changes in the cells.

HPV infection

A common virus that is usually harmless and does not cause symptoms.

If you have a long-standing HPV infection, in some cases this can lead to changes in the cells, which in turn can develop into cervical cancer.

All people with a uterus between the ages of 23 and 64 are screened for cellular changes to prevent cervical cancer.

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In Västra Götaland, an offer to order a self-test will be sent in early June – in the fall of 2021 to those registered with Skaraborg.

The call to provide cell samples was sent to a lesser extent last spring, but is expected to increase as infections decrease and vaccination increases.

Some will be called for a test by a midwife, and others will be offered a self-exam.

You won’t be able to choose when you want to give the test, regardless of whether it’s a self-test or a midwife’s clinic test. We are following the national screening program and you are contacted accordingly, says Maria Gjertsen.

from the archive:

“The risk increases the more you expect,” says Bjorn Strander, MD, associate professor of gynecology. (Features from 2019).
Read more: Several cell samples were scraped
Read more: Mimi ignored the tests – he had severe cell changes
Read more: Painful or not? This is how you feel when a sample of cells is taken