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Good timing on guardianship in “I Care Too Much” – Kulturnytt in P1

Good timing on guardianship in “I Care Too Much” – Kulturnytt in P1

title: I care so much
Director: J Blakeson
the hands. J Blakeson
In roles: Rosamund Pike, Peter Dinklage, Eza Gonzalez, Diane West
the first show: Amazon Prime, May 14
rank: 3 of 5

Rosamund Pike is the good man Marla Grayson, who struck a lucrative deal by declaring elderly people incompetent, legal and physical control of their lives, and draining their assets.

“It’s my job to take care,” she says, smiling sweetly in court. She tells the audience that she is a “silly lioness” among the lambs.

The entire system appears rigged against the victims. A person who was once declared incompetent may not file a case in court and may not appoint a lawyer. Something emerged in the case of the artist Britney Spears.

In another movie, it would have been a panting drama that follows a victim of Marla Grayson’s legal struggle to regain control of her life.

but this A satire as subtle as a hammer to the head, the only thing stopping the good man’s predatory impulse is that one of the victims – the real “cherry” – happens to be a pickle in the Russian Mafia.

The baseball bats and the axe lines soon swung. Admittedly, Peter Dinklage is entertaining as the boss of the Russian mafia, but it’s hard to muster commitment to how things go with the main characters sympathetic to the genome.

is she Conscious impulse with anti-hero feminist stereotype not giving Marla Grayson any impetus besides greed? no one knows.

It may not be the movie about guardianship we need, but it’s the movie we deserve.

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