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Fredrickson’s star horse got lactic acid at tonight’s Grand Prix

Fredrickson’s star horse got lactic acid at tonight’s Grand Prix

The Swedish riders had a great morning in Stockholm, conditions were promising for tonight’s Grand Prix final. But the Swedish successes did not materialize.

The six yellow and blue runners had a hard time with the five-star track, and thus did not progress to the jump.

Peder Fredrickson rode the famous championship horse All In and started promising but eventually had eight fouls. The eunuch returned in April after a competition hiatus of more than a year, and the star jockey believed today’s Grand Prix competition was in high demand.

– He jumped very well to the end. He hasn’t gone through many rounds like this, I think the lactic acid may have taken him a bit. Peder Fredrickson says he probably needs a few more rounds like this to be strong.

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So despite the results, it was a beneficial competition?

– I think so. He jumped really well yesterday and was really good at jumping. He was really good three-quarters of the way and then the connection didn’t really work and he didn’t have the strength to move on. It’s very difficult to jump the height of this obstacle when you’re not at an actual stage, Peder Fredrickson says.

Instead of blue and yellow at the top, it was Great Britain that took the Grand Prix of the World Champions Tour in the form of 35-year-old Scott Brach. Along with the horse Hello Jefferson, he excelled at jumping. He was very happy after the victory.

– it’s a wonderful feeling. Jeff has been amazing all day. He jumped three clear rounds and jumped perfectly. I couldn’t be happier. He is a very cool horse.

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Two of them were Peder Fredrickson’s teammate, Australian jockey Edwina Tubbs Alexander who rode a flawless jump – but somewhat slower. Third place went to American Spencer Smith, who was the fastest among the riders to jump with four mistakes.

Read more: “It’s always fun to win at home”
Read more: “I got a little worried when they cheered like that.”

Swedish riders results

8) Henrik von Eckermann and King Edward – 4 fl., 75.40 seconds

9) Malin Baryard – Johnson & Indiana – 4 fl, 75.61 seconds
10) Angelica Augustson Zanotelli and Kalinka van de Nachtegele – 4 years, 77.89 seconds
12) Peder Fredricson & All In – 8 fouls, 73.29 seconds
20) Rolf-Göran Bengtsson & Ermindo W – 9 fouls, 79.01 seconds
23) Douglas Lindelof and Casco Bleu – 12 fouls, 74.78 seconds